Genie Bra

Women everywhere struggle with their bra straps. This has been a problem women have dealt with for years. A full firm bust is one of the most attractive features of a woman. They continuously seek out the types of underwear that will flatter their figures. They also want this flattering underwear to be comfortable for hours at a time. Many women today have careers and spend lots of hours at the office. They need comfortable underwear that is flattering as well.

genie bra reviews

Companies perform tests and studies in order to make the type of products people need. The Genie Bra is one such product. It is a wonderful advancement in the area of women's undergarments. It delivers great support and comfort while flattering and accentuating a woman's curves.

The Genie Bra has no strings, no seams, or no aggravating straps. It features a very comfortable band for added support. It is made of micro-fiber which will accentuate shape and hold it for a long period of time.

This is a bra that is great for small women as well as larger women. Because of the use of spandex and nylon it will not over-stretch during use. Its design is one that rids women of bulges leaving a very smooth line and a silky touch. It can also take a rigorous washing.

This is a great bra for women whose weight goes up and down from month to month. It adjusts to their cup size. It will not let a woman become exposed due to jarring from playing sports or running. It has no wires and comes in three different shades.

Women for years have been looking for bras that will meld with their outfits and have an elegant style and look. And until now when they found one that could deliver these desired traits they forfeited comfort. The straps and seams were real drawbacks for previous types of bras. But with new technology an answer has been found. It is made of stretch fabric and is similar to wearing a vest.

The Genie Bra is a great example of how technology can work to produce a great product. They added a wide lift band to this bra and have totally solved the support problem. It makes women look and feel younger. From the petite to the full figured this bra for many is heaven-sent. Regardless of cup size this is the bra that will deliver support, comfort, and a flattering curve line.

With this great new discovery women can experience a bra that will hide behind any dress. It is perfect for the career woman who is on the go and at the office. It comes with an attractive price and always retains its shape. The benefits go on and on. This bra will not roll on you or rumple up on you. It will never fade or shrink.

Once in a while technology really comes through with something that is nearly perfect and this is one example. Women everywhere owe it to themselves to give the Genie Bra a try. It will change their lives in a major way and they will begin to enjoy comfort and freedom that they never got from a bra before.

genie bra